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Pharmacist's and pharmacies profiles in Santa Catarina: structure and process indicators

The present study aimed to assess structure and process quality indicators in community pharmacies in Santa Catarina (Brazil), and also the profile of pharmacists regarding their attitudes and perceptions of pharmaceutical care and professional satisfaction. A cross-sectional study was performed in 10% of Santa Catarina pharmacies randomly chosen. 258 community pharmacies were surveyed. 88.5% pharmacists were in office in the time of the interview. In average, they were 31 years old (SD=8.1) and mainly women (68%). A ratio of 1.4 (SD=0.7) pharmacists per pharmacy and 3.8 (SD=4.5) assistants existed. Only 11.4% pharmacies had an adequate structure for private caring patients. Despite having an average of more than 2 tertiary drug information sources, most of them were low quality. Activities mentioned by the majority of pharmacists were dispensing (98.2%), recording controlled drugs (90.8%), injections administration (85.1%), and helping patients on cash line (84.2%). Most of pharmacies in Santa Catarina (Brazil) do not have the adequate structure for implementing pharmaceutical care services. Barriers identified to implement those services were not different to those communicated in other countries.

Community pharmacy; Pharmacy; Pharmacy; Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical care

Divisão de Biblioteca e Documentação do Conjunto das Químicas da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 950 , Caixa Postal 66083 , 05315-970 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Tel.: (011) 3091.3804 , Fax: (011) 3097.8627 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil