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Obstacles of the pharmaceutical care in Brazil

Pharmaceutical care, a professional practice in the context of pharmaceutical assistance, has the goal of increasing the efficiency of medical treatment, as well as the detection of medicine-related problems. It consists in a practice that has being gradually applied in pharmacies of several regions of Brazil, and faces several difficulties for this, in part due to the lack of knowledge and preparation of our professionals, as well as certain rejection from the owners of the pharmacies. In this context, a research with participative characteristic was carried out, by means of interview with open questions to pharmacists and pharmacy owners and/or managers of Curitiba city, in which there were interaction of ideas, in order to establish an exchange of information about the subject. The results confirmed that the implantation of Pharmaceutical Care faces obstacles that include the link of the professional to the pharmacy and the rejection of the program by managers and owners of pharmacies, due to the high content of daily work and lack of time to dedicate to the service, besides the competition of sellers that seek commission on sales. It's observed the need of a way to stimulate the professional actuation, mainly among students and recently graduated professionals. This can represent the first step towards the success of Pharmaceutical Care and opening from the entrepreneurs, once the population starts to recognize the importance of the work provided by the pharmacist.

Pharmaceutical care; Medicine-related problems; Professional ambit

Divisão de Biblioteca e Documentação do Conjunto das Químicas da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 950 , Caixa Postal 66083 , 05315-970 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Tel.: (011) 3091.3804 , Fax: (011) 3097.8627 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil