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The art of disciplining the senses: the use of pictures and images in times of nationalization (1930-1945)

The entire architecture of sensitiveness by Estado Novo, by calling constant attention to the senses, aimed at turning subjects into consumers and reproducers of a representation of the world, of a belief in relation to the brazilian national identity. Under the realm of senses which were disciplined and conditioned by habit, such architecture eventually led to a "brazilian way of perceiving" which led subjects to experience, taste, touch, hear, smell and see it within a cultural and symbolic system developed by the organizational machinery of the established power. The constitution of an architecture of sensitiveness in the school space - the object of discussion and analysis in this article - should help compose this nationalization scheme and promote the disciplining of the senses. The rituals and techniques to reproduce images in this space had the function of propagating, generalizing, unifying, accustoming the senses to being constantly alert and, therefore, connecting and conditioning them to the political and social control system.

architecture of sensitiveness; disciplining of the senses; school space; images; Estado Novo

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