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A simple model of energy expenditure in human locomotion

Modelo simples de gasto de energia na locomoção humana

A simple harmonic oscillator model is proposed to describe the mechanical power involved in human locomotion. In this framework, by taking into account the anthropometric parameters of a standard individual, we are able to calculate the speed-power curves in human walking. The proposed model accounts for the well known Margaria's law in which the cost of human running (independent from the speed) is fixed to 1 kcal/(kg km). The model includes the effects of a gentle slope (either positive or negative) and the effect due to the mechanical response of the walking surface. The model results obtained in the presence of a slope are in qualitative agreement with the experimental data obtained by A. Leonardi et al.

movement and locomotion; human walking; race walking; mountain trekking

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil