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Experimental researches on magnetism in the Middle Ages, with a translation of Petrus Peregrinus’ letter on the magnet

This paper presents the development of the medieval knowledge about magnetism, giving special attention to the studies of Petrus Peregrinus (Pierre de Maricourt). This very important but little known author wrote the oldest work known (1269) where the concept of magnetic poles and the qualitative laws of attraction and repulsion between them are described. The final part of this article contains a complete translation from Latin to Portuguese of the "Epistola de magnete" written by this author. By reading it one can realize that Petrus Peregrinus made an experimental investigation of magnetism. The study of his contribution may help to overcome some mistakes and the prejudices concerning medieval science.

history of physics; magnetism; magnetic compass; magnetic poles; Petrus Peregrinus

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil