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A model for quark interactions: the nonrelativistic reduction in potential models

Phenomenological potential models have provided extremely satisfactory results on description of ordinary hadrons, more specifically in the case of quark-antiquark bound states (mesons). In this work we study the main aspects in the construction of quark-antiquark interactions just providing the generic tools for potential model study. We analyze the important aspects in the choice of the treatment in good agreement with the dynamics of interacting particles, attempting to relativistic aspects as well as to the possibilities of nonrelativistic approximation. Initially the "soft QCD" is employed to determine the effective potential terms establishing the asymptotic Coulomb term from one gluon exchange approximation. At the same time, a linear confinement term is introduced in accordance with QCD and phenomenological prescription. At the end, we discuss the general developing possibilities of a potential model.

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil