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Proposal for low cost physics laboratory for public high school

We present a proposal to build a physics laboratory using recyclable materials and low-cost to provide teachers and students of the public high school the opportunity to have contact with physics experiments, without the need for large investments in the acquisition equipment and laboratory materials. With the use of low cost materials are proposed several experiments relating to physical phenomena in the fields of mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism, hydrostatic, thermology and modern physics that allow direct and intuitive verification of the content presented in the lectures, as well as the development of experimental skills on the part of students. Moreover, it is expected that the introduction of demonstrative experiments also contribute as developer component in the construction of a scientific thinking and the development of physical intuition in the school environment.

Physics Laboratory of Low Cost; Physics experiments in high school; Laboratory with Recyclable Materials and Low Cost

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil