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Strengths on asymmetric capacitors under high voltage

This work deals with electrical forces on asymmetric capacitors when a source of high voltage is used. These strengths are responsible by the phenomenon known as "Biefeld-Brown effect" believed to be a new physical principle due to the electromagnetism and gravitation. Asymmetric capacitor is a capacitor whose geometry of the electrodes differs from each other. The experimental results show that when a high voltage is applied to the capacitor a resulting force acts on it, which is produced by the collision of the ions that are formed in the air (ionic wind) at vicinities of the electrodes. This resulting force promotes the so called "levitation effect" that makes the capacitor floating in the air. The system developed here have been used in classroom demonstrations for undergraduate and graduate students of the Federal University of Santa Catarina and for colleagues of the physics department provoking great excitement and discussions on the subject.

asymmetric capacitor; high voltage; electromagnetism; ions; ionic wind

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