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Transdisciplinary thinking: an approach to understand the principle of light's duality

The objective of this work was to investigate if transdisciplinarity can contribute to the understanding of the wave-particle duality principle. The investigation was conducted with students from a physics teaching course. The methodology used was Kelly's experience cycle, in which the objective was to involve the students in a learning process through three experiments: the wave tank; Young's experiment and Crookes' radiometer. Based on these three experiments it was possible to motivate a discussion about wave-particle duality. A transdisciplinary didactic workshop was conducted aiming to promote a discussion about third included logic, an adequate logic to be applied to wave-particle duality. Data analysis allowed the following conclusions: (i) the previous concepts of these students about the wave-particle duality principle had no logic to support this principle; (ii) the three experiments and the transdisciplinary workshop conducted during Kelly's experience cycle contributed for a better understanding of the wave-particle duality principle.

transdisciplinarity; wave-particle duality principle; didactic experiments; Kelly's experience cycle

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil