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Blended Learning for teaching Renal Pathology in Medical Residency - a report



Blended Learning can be used as a pedagogical resource to the traditional ways of teaching. The lack of a Renal Pathology laboratory can result in a gap in the training of resident physicians in Nephrology. This study describes how complementing the content with the use of an online Renal Pathology atlas was described by resident physicians.

Experience report:

A virtual atlas of Renal Pathology prepared by preceptors of the Medical Residencies of Nephrology and Pathology was presented to eight resident physicians enrolled in the service, who, for fifteen days, included the studies of this content in their activities. The residents evaluated the teaching-learning experience through a focus group.


Online teaching strategies can be used to complement the knowledge acquired during Medical Residency. However, it is important that this stage of the blended learning strategy be motivating in the students’ view, adapting to the moment experienced by resident physicians, who already have a pre-determined workload. These points were among the emerging topics in the thematic analysis of the content of the focus group, which also included suggestions from the students on how to modify the content presentation.


The inclusion of blended learning strategies can help the training of resident physicians, as well as open space for student production. Inter-institutional partnerships should be developed to overcome barriers to e-learning development by medical trainers.

Educational technology; Pathology; nephrology

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