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Role-Play for the Development of Communication Skills


The development of communications skills is essential for the doctor training. Teaching in medical schools should thus involve the use of educational strategies that facilitate the acquisition of these skills. The goal of this paper is to describe the process of implementing a role playing strategy in a Semiology course, at the Medical School of the Federal University of Bahia, and to evaluate its potential for the teaching of communication skills. The paper is divided into two main sections: the action plan for implementing the role play strategy and application of the plan from the teachers’ perspective. In conclusion it is argued that the implementation of role playing in Semiology courses is feasible and adequate for the acquisition and improvement of communications skills. Moreover it should be noted that the use of role play as an educational strategy is in line with the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Courses in Medicine.

–Role Playing; –Communication; –Physician-Patient Relationship; –Medical Education

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