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Topics for a Mentoring Program in Medicine: a survey of student needs at the University os São Paulo School of Medicine


Investigation os student’s needs is crucial for backing mesures that target their experience. In the implementation of the Mentoring Programa t the University of São Paulo Medical School, the themes recommended by students for the program showed that in every year of their medical schooling, what is most importante for students in both their basic and initial clinical training, while for interns the “pshysician-pacient” relationship is their priority. The set oof answersrelated to “being a medical student” appears later, followed by “medical ethics”. Next come other themes such as “being a doctor”, “various medical topics”, “medical school and university”, and “medicine and society”. The themes less frequently mentioned by student in general are those related to persolnal life and issues outside of the medical field. The set of themes had na importante role dor future mentors during their training, highlighting the principal áreas of interest for students, demonstrating diferences over the course of their years of training, and allowing one to glimpse the potential uses of mentorship.

Estudente, Medical; Education, Medical; Mentorship

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