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Ethically conflictive situations for discussion with medical students: a professor's view

The ethical and humanistic training of medical students has been both valued and questioned in recent years. Discussion of the ethical conflicts that arise during future medical practice is one of the strategies with the greatest impact for developing students' moral skills. With the aim of identifying and analyzing the most relevant conflictive situations for discussion with future physicians, we asked faculty members working with medical students at the Unifesp-EPM School of Medicine to list three important situations for discussion. The sample included 237 participants. The answers were recorded as items and categorized thematically, and were compared to the topics covered in formal ethics courses in Brazilian medical schools, analyzed in relation to the specialized literature. The themes that emerged in this study can be explored through different teaching-learning strategies. It is up to medical schools to encourage the different disciplines and rotations to provide formal spaces for discussions and to promote awareness raising of faculty members for this task.

Medical Education; Education Medical Undergraduate; Faculty; Ethics; Ethics Medical

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