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The alimentary diet lipidic profile as factor of risk for cardiovascular diseases in active aged woman


The aim of this study is to evaluate the diet lipidic profile and its relationship with cardiovascular diseases (DVC) risk factors in a sample of 130 women above 60 years. To evaluate the nutritional state, it was used the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Waist Circumference (WC) and the analysis of the diet was made through last 24-hours meals remember. We observed that 65.4% of the sample was overweight, 32.3% was in a normal level and 2.3% indicated low weight. Related to the risk factors, that we evaluated through the abdominal circumference, 38.5% of the women were in a normal level, 20.8% were in an increased risk level and 40.8% in a very increased risk level, results that classificate 61.6% of the studied population risking to develop cardiovascular illnesses. We evidenced some strong association between the Body Mass Index and the Abdominal Circumference (p<0.05). Evaluating it alimentary diet of the aged ones, noticed that, on average the consumption of calories is of 1440,56 (+39,04), the average consumption of total and insaturated fat in relation to the total energy value had been of 29,28% (+8,87) and 13.31% (+5,77) respectively. The alimentary cholesterol average was of 156 mg (+91,62) and staple fibres, 16,84 g (+8,87). An analysis some more detailed becomes necessary and efficient intervention looking for an improvement in the lipidic profile and the general health characteristics of this population

dietary fats; risk factors; cardiovascular diseases; women; elderly nutrition; body mass index; abdominal circumference; food consumption; feeding behavior

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil