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The effects of a program of teaching games in psychobiological aspects of elderly women


To investigate the effects of a program of teaching games (TG) in psychobiological aspects of elderly women.


53 female elderly volunteers were distributed in two groups: Active group (n=27) participating of a TG program composed by adapted sporting activities for six months, three times a week, for one hour; Control group (n=26) was told not to change their routine and not to start any physical exercise regular program. The mean (±standard-deviation) of height, weight, BMI were: 67.91±6.11years; 1.55±0.06cm; 80.68±8.45kg; and 33.41±2.62kg/m2, respectively. Before and after of program proposed, the volunteers answered a psychobiology battery composed by: mini-mental state examination; Epworth sleepiness scale; Pittsburgh sleep quality index; SF-36; geriatric depression scale; STAI-trait/state; Brunel mood scale; habitual physical activity; and body shape questionnaire.


After the intervention period, the Active group showed better human psychobiological answers, represented by lower scores of anxiety and depression, better quality of life with increased functional capacity and vitality, and improved body image, when compared to the Control group.


These results suggest that a 6-month TG program improves psychobiological aspects of elderly women.

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil