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Rethinking ageing in the political agenda of cities: the importance of promoting pedestrian mobility

Cities are now facing a double challenge: not only urban population is growing but it is also getting older. Though several guidelines have been developed in order to look at this cities/ageing nexus through a new perspective, the overall view, holistic by nature (involving issues such as social inclusion, communication, employment, housing and transports), lacks some specificity and clarification in what concerns the quality of public space and the aspects that prevent and generate mobility amongst the elderly. In this context of promoting attractive spaces as economic development engines, on the one hand, and striving to maintain older people in their community (ageing in place), on the other, the issue at stake is of added value for policy making and delivery. By focusing mainly in the subject of service's spatial location and pedestrian mobility, this paper develops an understanding of this subject by synthesising the evidence and providing an interdisciplinary perspective that potentially benefits public policy debates regarding the development of an elderly friend community capable of providing conditions to optimise individual capacities and maintain a healthy quality of life amongst older people.

Aging; Healthy City; Pedestrian Mobility; Public Policies; Quality of Life

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil