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‘The spirit of the people’: aesthetics, teachers and folklore in Argentina in the 1920s


The 1920 decade was extremely rich in terms of processes and problems of singular relevance and was also a prolific decade in terms of debates and generation of new proposals. The social climate of the post-war period put into crisis the most rationalist precepts installed by nineteenth-century liberalism and favored the inclusion of forms of knowledge linked to the spiritual and sensitivity, beyond the pre-eminence of reason. To explore some of the educational priorities, we will focus on the National Survey of Folklore carried out in 1921 and whose results were gathered in the ‘Colección de Folklore’. It was an initiative in which teachers from schools throughout the country were instructed to collect the folkloric elements they found in their communities: beliefs and customs, narrations and legends, popular art and science to know and prescribe about ‘the spirit of the people’.

folklore; popular knowledge; proffesorship; aesthetics

Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Av. Colombo, 5790 - Zona 07 - Bloco 40, CEP: 87020-900, Maringá, PR, Brasil, Telefone: (44) 3011-4103 - Maringá - PR - Brazil