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Retrospective study of amniotic membrane transplantation in a terciary ophthalmic health care service

OBJECTIVE: During the last years amniotic membrane (AM) autograft has been frequently used for reconstruction of the ocular surface in many diseases. This study intends to analyze the major indications for AM as well the results of this procedure. METHODS: Data of 107 patients who had done AM autograft surgery were retrospectively analised regarding the indications and postoperatory follow-up. RESULTS: The indications for AM autograft was ptherygium 33.64% (n=36), persistent epithelial defect 29.90% (n=32), simblepharum 18.69% (n=20), chemical injury 6.54%(n=7), vernal conjunctivitis 4.67% (n=5), Stevens-Johnson 2.80% (n=3), ocular cicatricial penfigoid 1.86% (n=2), bullous keratopathy 1.86%(n=2). At the follow-up of ptherygium was observed recurrence between 6,25%(in primary ptherygium) and 15% (in recurrence ptherygium). No recurrence was observed in simblepharum surgery for complications due ptherygium. Recovery of epithelial integrity was between 50 and 80% depending the disease. In the acute phase of chemical burns recovery was observed in 50%, however in chronic chemical burns the recovery was only in 33% of the cases. The AM in vernal conjunctivitis to resolve giant papillae, 80% of the cases showed good evolution. In 100% of the case due bullous keratopathy the patients had improvement of the pain. In Steven-Johnsons syndrome (SJS) at the acute phase the patients had improevment of the inflammatory component. In the chronic phase of SJS, 50% of the patients had favorable evolution after the procedure. CONCLUSION: Amniotic membrane autograft showed promising results for the majority ocular surface diseases enrroled in this study. This surgical tecnic cheap and easy doing asweel a good therapeutic alternative for many ocular surface diseases.

Amnio; Reconstructive surgical procedures; Tissue transplantation; Eye diseases; Conjunctival diseases; Corneal diseases; Retrospective studies

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil