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Lead content in human colostrum: a study in the Paraíba Valley

OBJECTIVES: to estimate lead content in human colostrum in the Vale do Paraíba. METHODS: this is a cross sectional study performed in Taubaté, São Paulo, in the months of October and November of 2003, with mothers who delivered at the University Hospital of Taubaté. Colostrum was collected in an adequate tube and chilled to -200 C. Independent variables were mothers' age, parity, newborn age and pregnancy term. Lead was quantified by use of the atomic absorption spectrometry technique, in graphite furnace. For statistical analysis the Student "t" test was used and in case of data not being normally distributed, the U test of Mann-Whitney was applied, for continuous variables Pearson correlation was used for statistical analysis. Significance level adopted was alpha= 5%. RESULTS: lead was detected in 72 samples of the 76 studies (94.7% of the samples with IC95%: 88,2%-98,4%); median value found was 154,4µg/L (dp=173,7µg/L). No correlation or differences were determined between lead content and the variables studied. CONCLUSIONS: the values found are higher than the ones described in the literature and necessary to identify the possible sources of this heavy metal in the environment.

Lead; Colostrum; Atomic absorption; Spectrometry; Milk, human

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