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Assessment of Bahia Neonatal Screening Program in 2003

OBJECTIVES: describe and assess the Neonatal Screening Program of Bahia in 2003. METHODS: descriptive study based on the databank of the Neonatal Screening Reference Service of Bahia in all newborns previously screened in the data collecting network of 2003. RESULTS: the program was implemented in 94.5% of the municipalities. The monthly average of newborns assessed was of 13.991 (72.51% of the registered newborns). During data collection, 63.9% of the children were between eight days and one month old, 14.5% seven days old and 21.6% over one month old. The incidence determined was 1:22,000 for phenylketonuria, 1:4,000 for congenital hypothyroidism and 1:650 for sickle cell disease. CONCULSIONS: the Neonatal Screening Program of Bahia in 2003 fell short to the expected coverage of 100%, failed in selecting the ideal age group for blood sampling; there were difficulties as well related to the time elapsed between blood collection and samples arrival to the Neonatal Screening Reference Service; of test delivery to the family; and of positive cases recall. Therefore, improvements are needed to expedite procedures.

Neonatal screening; Program evaluation; Infant; newborn

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