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Protective gloves for manual harvesting of sugar cane

This study on the personal protective equipment (PPE) and the tools used for the manual harvesting of sugar cane resulted from a tripartite negotiation between FUNDACENTRO, the Rural Workers Union in Araraquara, and the Santa Cruz sugar mill. The subject came out while workers were trying to adapt themselves to the set of tools and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) demanded not only by the Regulating Standard Rural nº4 set by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, but also to their companies internal rules. One of their strategies to improve their gloves adherence to the handles of their knives was covering them with rubber. Four models of gloves were analyzed not only from the point of view of their quality, through questionnaires distributed to 47 workers, but also their quantity, through the average static friction coefficient (µ) produced by the gloves when holding the wooden knife handles. Clean wood and wood covered with rubber, new and used gloves were tested. The qualitative research showed that workers prefer gloves made of leather and nylon scrapings because they fit their hands comfortably, without causing aches or blocking their movements. The static friction coefficient (µe) is determined by the glove material, its condition and the kind of surface.

protective gloves; static friction; sugar cane

Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO Rua Capote Valente, 710 , 05409 002 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel: (55 11) 3066-6076 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil