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Epilepsy and Social Security: the medical decision making on disability compensation

Regarding health insurances, the major difficulty in handling patients with epilepsy is that the diagnosis is basically clinical, and there is not a totally objective criteria to define work incapacity, even with all the existing modern technology. In this essay we discuss needs and parameters, propose guidelines for the report filled up by assistant physicians, and formulate strategies to help medical experts defining work incapacity for workers with epilepsy, with a greater margin of accuracy. We discuss aspects related to diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and list facts that can eventually interfere in the ability to work, contributing for medical experts to decide whether they should or not grant disability benefits.

expert assessment; work incapacity; health insurance; epilepsy

Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO Rua Capote Valente, 710 , 05409 002 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel: (55 11) 3066-6076 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil