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Nutritional plans of net energy with a constant calorie:nutrient ratio on the performance of piglets from 7 to 30 kg


This study was conducted to evaluate different nutritional plans of net energy (NE) with a constant calorie:nutrient ratio on the performance of piglets from 7 to 30 kg. Sixty barrows with an initial weight of 7.11±0.89 kg were distributed among five nutritional plans: two NE-decreasing plans (A and B, starting from NE concentrations of 2.47 and 2.52 Mcal kg−1, respectively, and ending both at 2.37 Mcal kg−1) and three NE-constant plans (C, 2.37 Mcal kg−1; D, 2.42 Mcal kg−1; and E, 2.47 Mcal kg−1). The nutritional plans were composed of two decreasing plans: A, 2.47-2.42-2.37-2.37-2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; B, 2.52-2.47-2.42-2.37-2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; and three constant plans: C, 2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; D, 2.42 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; E, 2.47 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed, from 7 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 25, and 25 to 30 kg, respectively, with six replicates per treatment and two animals per experimental unit. Animal performance was evaluated through the following measurements: average daily feed intake (ADFI), NE intake, standardized ileal digestible lysine intake (SID Lys intake), average daily gain (ADG), feed:gain ratio (F:G), final weight (FW), feed cost per kg of weight gain (CWG), economic efficiency index (EEI), and fecal score. Piglets’ final weight was 32.95±3.30 kg. Considering the total experimental period, there was no effect of the nutritional plan on ADG, F:G, CWG, and EEI. The final weight of piglets under plan D was higher than that recorded for those allocated to plan C, not differing from the other nutritional plans. Piglets fed under nutritional plans A and D presented higher ADFI compared with those subjected to other plans. Net energy and SID Lys intakes were significantly higher in piglets subjected to plans A, D, and E compared with those under plans B and C. Net energy nutritional plans did not influence the fecal score and the occurrence of diarrhea of the piglets. Based on our analysis, a nutritional plan containing a constant NE level of 2.42 Mcal kg−1 of feed may be recommended for piglets from 7 to 30 kg.

energy intake; nursery; nutritional density; nutritional requirements; swine nutrition

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil