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Evaluation of growth of tissues and organs of crossbreed Holstein-Gyr steers during compensatory growth. 2. Tissues and organs

The research aimed to analyze the effects of feed restriction prior to the confinement on growth and chemical composition of the tissues and organs in cattle. Twenty-four Holstein-Gyr crossbred steers, with 19,3 ± 5,1 months of age and 202,1 ± 49,1 kg LW, at beginning of the trial were used. Fifteen of the animals were confined after a 104-day period of forage restriction, in which it was intended to keep body weight unchanged (compensatory gain group), while nine of them had free access to pasture (continuous gain group). At beginning of the experiment and at days 28 and 112 of confinement, three animals of each group were slaughtered, and at days 56 and 84, three animals of compensatory gain group were slaughtered. During confinement, the animals from the compensatory gain group and continuous gain group were fed ad libitum; composed b y corn silage and 26% of concentrate, as dry matter basis. The relative growth rates were evaluated through allometric equations. The rates of protein, fat and energy deposition in the carcass did not differ between treatments, in relation to empty-body weight gain (EBW). The protein deposition in the organs, in relation to EBW gain, was greater in compensatory growth group than in the continuous gain group, being the high values observed in all body parts. The growth rates of the muscles Biceps femoris and Tensor fascia latea were not affected by the feed restriction prior to the confinement, as well as the growth rate and the content of protein, calcium and phosphorus in the femur and 8th rib.

allometric equations; cattle; growth; organs; tissues

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil