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Herbage accumulation during regrowth of Xaraés palisadegrass submitted to rotational stocking strategies

The objective of this research was to describe comparatively the dynamics of herbage accumulation in Xaraés palisadegrass pastures [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Xaraés] submitted to rotational stocking managements, defined either by pre-graze light interception (LI) by the canopy (95% or 100% LI) or calendar days (28d). Pre-graze forage mass (FM) was higher for 100% LI pastures. Pastures grazed at 95% LI and 28-d resulted in similar pre-graze FM in the spring, both lower than that of the 100%-LI treatment. Grazing at 95% LI resulted in higher leaf percentage in pre-graze forage, although total pre-graze FM was lower. Forage produced in paddocks grazed at 100% LI had lower pre-graze leaf percentage, indicating that the higher forage accumulation in that treatment was a result of higher stem elongation, likely due to light competition within the canopy. Rest periods beyond the point where swards achieved 95% LI (100% LI or 28-d during the summer) resulted in higher accumulation and higher pre-graze FM, although this corresponded mainly to large amounts of stem and dead material, which could negatively affect the nutritive value of the forage produced and animal performance.

leaf area index; light interception; plant part composition; sward heigh

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil