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Analysis of genetic diversity of osteopontin gene in girolando cattle

The objective was to obtain the indices of genetic diversity for the SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) of the 4 intron osteopontin gene (OPN) for 434 animals (87 bulls and 347 cows) participants in the Teste de Progênie da raça girolando (Girolando Progeny Test) in Brazil. For amplification, primers used were described for the Holstein breed, and differentiation of alleles C/T SNP that was obtained by PCR-RFLP. Genotype frequencies of TT (52.53%), CT (38.71%) and CC (8.76%) and allele frequencies of T (71.9%) and C (28.1%) indicate that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg principle (HWP). Although the OPN gene locus is in HWP, the higher frequency of allele T of SNP in these animals may suggest a setting-trend of allele T in the race. No difference was observed between the group of bulls and cows (F ST = -0.018), supporting the estimate of population balance. Considering the values estimated by the F IS (0.043), it is likely that high numbers of individuals homozygous for the T allele observed in the population occur because of possible inheritance of this allele coming from the zebu breed, rather than inbreeding. Thus, to better characterize the OPN gene polymorphism, assessments in a larger number of animals must be performed, since only animals that participated in the Progeny Test were assessed.

dairy cattle; polymorphism; milk production; SNP; SPP1

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil