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Participation frequency and performance of horses in national shows of Campolina and Mangalarga Marchador breeds


This study aimed to determine the participation frequency and competitive performance of Campolina and Mangalarga Marchador horses in national shows concerning marcha type, sex, and age. To that end, the trial results of national horse shows between 2007 and 2017, comprising 1,781 Campolina and 5,239 Mangalarga Marchador animals, were extracted from the databases of the breeders’ associations of each breed. The results regarding participation frequency in these events and the performance achieved by horses were grouped by breed, marcha type, sex, and age group and then subjected to frequency distribution tests. In both breeds, most animals attended only one national show. However, when the specimens were separated by marcha type, sex, and age, it was observed that 54.39% of marcha batida Campolina males competed twice, with greater participation of adult horses (41.41%) than of young ones (22.22%). For Mangalarga Marchador, irrespective of gait type, the proportion of adult horses (67.22%) that competed was higher than that of young ones (25.63%). For marcha picada competitors, the proportion between young (13.97%) and adult (81.91%) was even higher. It was concluded that, over their competitive careers, most horses of either breed attended only one national show, that marcha picada animals usually compete only when adults, and that marcha batida females compete more often when young. In addition, the age group in which competitors achieve their best performances varies according to the specimen.

equine; morphometry; phenotypic selection

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil