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Energy requirements for maintenance of bulls from zebu breeds in feedlot

The net requirements of energy for the maintenance of bulls from four Zebu breeds (Gyr, Guzera, Mocho-Tabapuã and Nellore) were estimated with 63 bulls averaging 24 months of age and 366 kg initial LW and (15 Nellore and 16 from the Gyr, Guzera and Macho-Tapabuã). Fifteen animals, four Gyr, Guzera and Mocho-Tabapuã breed and three Nellore breed, were slaughtered at the beginning of the trial and the remaining were allotted to four groups of 12 animals, being three animals from each breed. One group was restricted fed, supplying levels of protein and energy 15,0% over maintenance requirements, according to NRC (1984). The animals of the last three groups were full fed to reach the target live weight slaughter of 405, 450 and 500 kg, respectively. A diet containing 50,0% concentrate as dry matter base and was fed individua lly to all animals. The net energy requirement for maintenance was determined as an estimation of heat production at zero metabolizable energy intake, by extrapolation of the regression equation of log of the heat production on the metabolizable energy intake. The estimated pooled net energy requirements for maintenance for the animals from the four breeds were 60.4 kcal/kgLW.75•day, 21.85%, lower than the value proposed by NRC (1996).

energy; maintenance; Zebu breeds; feedlot

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil