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Reproductive and metabolic parameters of Guzerá cows supplemented in pre and postpartum

Thirty Guzera cows (10 by treatment), supplemented in the prepartum (PRE) and postpartum (POS) and without supplementation (SS) were used to evaluate, in the postpartum, the variation of body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS) (1 = very thin to 9 = very fat) and levels of serum total cholesterol (TC), rate pregnancy at 112 days postpartum and economic viability of PRE and POS treatments, where the animals fed 1 kg/day/animal of concentration (16% CP; 3000 kcal DE/kg). BW and the ECC were evaluated every 28 days, and blood collections were weekly performed for TC analysis until 112 days postpartum. Days postpartum x treatment interaction was observed for BW and ECC. PRE treatment increased the BW and ECC of the cows at parturition: 477.80 kg and 6.20, respectively, in relation to POS and SS treatments, of the 453.37 kg and 5.5, 447.57 kg and 5.28, respectively. treatment PRE showed highr values of BW and ECC from 28 to 84 days, when compared to SS, while POS treatment shwed higher values from 84 to 112 days postpartum. POS treatment did not differ from PRE in BW from 56 to 112 days postpartum and in ECC from 28 to 112 days postpartum. BW and ECC increased in the POS treatment and BW and ECC decreased in the PRE and SS treatments until 112 dayspostpartum. BW and ECC in the PRE, POS and SS treatments at 112 days postpartum were 457.79 kg and 5.38, 461.87 kg and 5.66, 436.57 kg and 4.78, respectively. TC showed days postpartum effect, but not of treatment, and increased as the postpartum days increased. RP was not influenced by PRE, POS and SS treatments (50.00, 62.20, and 57.14%, respectively). The supplementation was not viable.

body condition score; cattle; body weight; nutrition; reproduction; total cholesterol

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil