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Royal jelly production by selected africanized honeybees and carniolan hybrids

This study was conducted to compare royal jelly production from colonies of Apis mellifera Africanized honeybees selected for yields of royal jelly or honey with that from Carniolan hybrids. In the first trial, 10 colonies of Africanized honeybees selected for royal jelly production were used; the top five queens were replaced with their offspring and in the remaining colonies were introduced Carniolan queens in order to evaluate production after switch of population. In the second trial, 15 colonies were used as follows: five with Africanized queens selected for honey yield (AFHO), five with Africanized queens selected for royal jelly yield (AFRJ), and five with Carniolan hybrids (CAHB). In trial one, Carniolan hybrids showed greater royal jelly production/colony/collection (3.95 ± 2.92 g) when compared to Africanized honeybees (2.23 ± 2.13 g). In addition, Carniolan hybrids had higher acceptance percentage of grafted larvae (55.4 ± 36.7) than the Africanized counterparts (35.8 ± 28.3). In trial two, yield of royal jelly/colony/collection was significantly higher on AFHO compared to AFRJ and CAHB that did not differ in production. Both Africanized honeybees (AFHO = 254.2 ± 90.7 g and AFRJ = 253.8 ± 206.8 g) produced more royal jelly per cup than CAHB that yielded 195.8 ± 80.9 g.

Apis mellifera; selected honeybees; yield rise

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil