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Effects of vocal fry incomplete glottal closure

BACKGROUND: vocal fry in incomplete glottal closure. PROCEDURE: two individuals aged between 20 and 40 years old presenting an otolaryngological diagnosis of ampoule chink were part of the study. A recording of the sustained emission of /a/ vowel took place, as well as a videostroboscopic examination. Right after, the individuals completed the vocal fry in three series of 15 repetitions, being submitted to a new laryngeal examination and to the vowel’s recording. Both pre-vocal and post vocal fry data were assessed through acoustic, perceptive-auditive and videostroboscopic analysis, carried out by judges (three speech and language pathologists and three otolaryngologists, respectively). RESULTS: for both individuals, there was an improvement in the glottal coaptation and in the amplitude of the vocal folds mucosa vibration; worsen in the voice type; enlargement of noise and Jitter measurements. CONCLUSION: the vocal fry promoted glottal closure reduction and enlargement in the amplitude of the vocal folds mucosa vibration; worsen in the voice type, which became noisier; enlargement of noise and Jitter measurements, suggesting vibratory irregularities, probably due to the basal fry motor adjustments effects when strongly mobilizing the mucosa.

Voice; Voice Disorders; Voice Treatment; Vocal Cords; Phonation

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil