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Drawings and statements: resources for the investigation of perception and vocal recognition

PURPOSE: to characterize the aspects of perception and vocal recognition in voice training groups through the participants' drawings and statements about voice. METHODS: documental analysis of final reports from four Voice Training groups which took place in the probationary period in Community Speech-Language-Pathology I and II of one Speech-Language-Pathology course for the analysis of content of the drawings and statements written by 53 subjects. RESULTS: the categories identified by the analysis of drawings and statements were: vocal image or value attributed to voice with a positive image/value prevailing in the drawings and negative one in the statements. As for vocal attributes, the auditive-proprioceptive attribute prevailed, whereas there was less stress on socio-cultural, psycho-emotional and professional attributes. Vocal parameters with higher occurrence were loudness, pitch, articulation and vocal quality. CONCLUSION: drawings and statements written about voice are showed as resources which can enable the expression of perception and knowledge of the subjects about their voice and need to be better explored in educational and speech and language training areas which have the exchange of knowledge, dialogs and active participation of subjects in high regard and are coherent with the health-promoting perspective.

Voice; Health Promotion; Health Education

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil