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The teaching case on the organization X aims to create opportunities to pupils the experience of conflict related to change management, for which the planning stage was shortly considered, creating a ripple effect of resistance and difficulties. The case illustrates a process of organizational change, considering its limitations and challenges, at first, the absence of a planning step, and the second time, their achievement while they were systematized actions taken. After a restructuring of Organization X, was the implementation of a new Service Desk tool, supported by process management services for Information Technology (IT) and a set of recommended best practices for infrastructure, operation and maintenance services IT, called ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library. The purpose of this change was to improve the quality of the provision of IT services in that organization, of a public nature, enabling, through indicators of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness, measure and evaluate the quality of IT services provided to its users. As a teaching tool, the case was developed for use in undergraduate and graduate in the areas of Management and Public Administration, when the debate on topics such as planning and change management, developed in disciplines such as Organizational Change, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Planning and Personnel Management. The case can also be used in the discussion on the implementation of management systems within the Management Information Systems and other disciplines of Information Technology and Communication.

information technology; change management; resistance to change; service desk

Escola de Administração da UFRGS Escola de Administração da UFRGS, Rua Washington Luis, 855 - 2° Andar, 90010-460 Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil, Fone: (55 51) 3308-3823, Fax: (55 51) 3308 3991 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil