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Le discours pervers

There is consensus on the opinion that social bonds today are organized in a perverse way. We no longer have a master who governs our actions, and family organizations are not organized around the father's power. We live in times of feminization of culture and in a capitalist logic. The capitalist discourse demands no renunciation of drives. On the contrary, it calls for satisfaction of pleasure as the other is reduced to an object. This has led to a change in the economy of the drives and in the way each one deals with external reality, which has become changeable, and in the phenomenology of discourse. The jouissance of language is in showing with words and in producing imagery of discourse.

Speech; perversion; drive economy; capitalism; jouissance

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil