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Vocal production condition of telemarketing operators: correlation between health issues and vocal habits and symptoms

PURPOSE: To analyze the vocal production conditions of telemarketing operators, and to correlate these findings to whether they are satisfied or unsatisfied with their own voice. METHODS: The subjects of this study were 100 operators from companies in different segments, who answered a questionnaire composed of questions addressing personal information, general health issues, vocal habits and symptoms. The data were statistically analyzed, correlating the groups that referred being satisfied or unsatisfied with their own voice (Mann-Whitney - p< 5%). RESULTS: From all the participants, 80% declared to be satisfied with their voices. Regarding vocal habits, the ones more frequently reported were: excessive talking (69%), eating chocolate (65%), and drinking coffee (60%). Amongst the reported vocal complaints were issues such as: dry throat (53%), phlegm (33%), and vocal fatigue (31%). When asked about the possible causes for these symptoms, the subjects mentioned: intense vocal usage (51%), air-conditioning (57%), and excessively hot/cold environment (40%). In the comparison between vocally satisfied and unsatisfied subjects, the following proved significant, favoring the unsatisfied: greater weekly work load (p=0.032); presence of upper airway disorders such as rhinitis (p=0.009) and sinus infections (p=0.014); the habit of speaking excessively (p=0.024); vocal fatigue (p=0.010), sore throat (p=0.044), vocal failure (p=0.002); poor work-related relationships (p=0.041) and work-related stress (p=0.001). CONCLUSION: Factors resulting from disorders related to the health of telemarketing operators, as well as company organizational factors proved themselves responsible for the presence of vocal symptoms and, hence, for the reported lack of vocal satisfaction within work environment.

Voice; Health profile; Voice disorders; Telecommunications; Risk factors; Occupational health

Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684 - 7º andar, 01420-001 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil