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The Electoral Victory of Donald Trump: An Analysis of Institutional Dysfunction



The election of Donald Trump must be understood from the generalized sense of discontent of the American population with its political system. The success of the anti-systemist candidate, who presented himself as capable of ending inefficiency, incompetence, and corruption in Washington, suggests that the institutional framework of the American political system is subject to immobilization.


This paper analyzes presidential election results from 2016, obtained from secondary sources (Pew Research Center, Gallup, CNN, The Washington Post) and discusses with the specialized bibliography in the North American constitutional arrangement.


The institutional factors that generate political immobility are constitutional and partisan. By assigning multiple veto mechanisms to different branches of power, the Constitution established the necessary instruments so that either branch can block the political action of the remaining branches. The partisanization of American political life quickly altered the functioning logic of the electoral college, as political parties readily turned the “voters” of the electoral college into mere partisan agents.


The growing diversification of American society has contributed to an increase in political radicalization that makes political commitments impracticable. In an attempt to create a system that cautioned against the possible tyranny of the concentration of powers, the delegates of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended up creating a system conducive to political impasse. Trump failed to get the support of party leaders, but he still managed to secure enough delegates to secure his candidacy.

Donald Trump; separation of powers; political polarization; political fragmentation; political gridlock

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