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A política externa cubana nos anos 90: condicionantes internos e inserção internacional

This paper analyzes the Cuban foreign policy in the 90s, afther collapse of the Soviet Bloc, which led the country to the most serious economic crisis in its recent history and a relative internacional isolation, elements that were decisive to their internacional insertion. Based on this indicates that its internacional rehabilitation is established on the assertion of national sovereignty, the expansion of the actors involved in the formulation and implementation of such a policy in search of new partners leading to a pendulum international position and the development of social diplomacy. This research was conducted by gathering information and literature review, as well as data indicating the country's economic situation and its international insertion, combining elements of quantitative with qualitative analysis. The initial hypothesis is based on the reorientation of Cuban foreign policy, considering the end of Soviet Bloc, and their reintegration, even though strained, determined by the internal crisis and the new international context. The data collection was possible through diligenses in situ and in portals and publications of organizations such as ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America) and ONEI (National Office of Statitics and Information), as well authors dedicated to the topic. Through critical and comparative analysis of such data and information sets out the core variables and elements that allow the understanding of Cuban foreign policy in the mentioned period. This work demonstrates that Cuban foreign policy was the result of the interaction between domestic factors, the economic and social crisis that the country faced, and international factors. Moreover, points out that there was a reorientation of Cuban foreign policy, with the development of new strategies and partnerships for international reintegration. Finally, demonstrates that policy achieved a relative success, as it allowed a partial economic recovery and maintenance of the system. The article contributes to the knowledge of the internal reality and the international insertion of Cuba in the new international context, relatively ignored aspects in Brazilian academy and it provides new elements for understanding the determinants of foreign policy aspects of the States in the context of globalization.

Foreign Policy; Cuba; Social Diplomacy; Constraints; Internacional Insertion

Universidade Federal do Paraná Rua General Carneiro, 460 - sala 904, 80060-150 Curitiba PR - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3360-5320 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil