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Efeitos combinados dos movimentos de moradia sobre os programas habitacionais autogestionários


The article discusses the political effects of the National Union for Popular Housing (UNMP, in Portuguese) on public policy. For this analysis, we mobilize the Anglo-Saxon literature that has been devoted to the study the results of social movements, especially the literature on the model of the joint-effect model. The UNMP has impacted the self-managed housing programs through a combination of mobilizations capacity and the presence of institutional allies in positions of power. To understanding how these variables are combined to produce results, we highlight two explanatory factors: projects sharing and multiple membership

result of social movements; self-management; housing policy; public policies; social movements

Universidade Federal do Paraná Rua General Carneiro, 460 - sala 904, 80060-150 Curitiba PR - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3360-5320 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil