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The use of psychoactive substances by private school children in the Federal District of Brazil

A study was carried out in 1988, using a random sample of 1,441 pupils attending the elementary and high schools of the Federal District, Brazil, with the purpose of determining the frequency of the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. A self-administered questionnaire, adapted by the World Health Organization for this type of survey, was applied. The prevalence of general usage (covering everything from experimental to daily use) showed rates of 67.2% for alcohol, 28.7% for tobacco, 13.9% for inhalants, 6.1% for marijuana and 1.8% for cocaine. The use of the majority of drugs increases with age. As regards sex, the illegal drugs were mostly frequently used by boys.

Substance abuse; Alcoholism; Smoking; Prevalence studies; Students

Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil