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In the era of disbeliefs and uncertainties: news coverage of vaccines in Portuguese newspapers


At a time when anti-vaccine movements are spreading, European countries are experiencing a decrease in immunization rates. In this context, the media can play a key role both in spreading beliefs and in circulating reliable information on the subject. This study aimed to analyze the journalistic coverage of vaccines in the Portuguese press by assessing the content of 300 articles published from 2012 to 2017 in the newspapers Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias. Most texts addressed themes related to vaccine stock, vaccine research, vaccination coverage, and vaccination campaign regarding influenza, measles, and meningitis. Possibly influenced by public health policies in Portugal, vaccines comprise the media agenda of newspapers. These findings reinforce the perception that the media can be used as a tool for disseminating reliable information on this subject. Most of the articles had a positive and neutral tone concerning immunization, but, although little present, headlines emphasizing adverse reactions could foment or increase distrust in the benefits of vaccines.

Immunization; Media; Public Health

Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública. Av. dr. Arnaldo, 715, Prédio da Biblioteca, 2º andar sala 2, 01246-904 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7880 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil