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Environmental education and the new comunication and information technologies

In the last twenty years, the development of modern information and communication technologies, as well as the enlarging of their use have created enormous expectations and possibilities on school teaching. Related to the Environmental Education, the use of modern information and communication technologies represents an advance, since the integration of information technology and multimedia allows the sensitive and knowledge of different environments and their specific problems, by the view of students, as far as they can be. Through of the conception of Environmental Education linked to the complexity pedagogy, this article looked for argue the potentiality of work with principles of Environmental Education on support digital, using images, texts and sounds, implemented by hypermedia, no sequential technology, which information are accessed in associative way.

Environmental Education; Hypermedia; Modern information and comunication

Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - EDUFU Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 - Bloco 5M – Sala 302B, 38400902 - Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brasil, +55 (34) 3239- 4549 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil