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Applicability of geo-technologies to subsidize hydric resources management in the city of Americana (SP)


When analyzing the city urban resources having the city as territorial cut, several aspects should be considered. This way, it is possible to understand the best way to manage the watercourses and mainly what are their conditions regarding quality, preservation and conservation. These aspects must be associated to the existing laws, which serve as subsidies to the managers. Besides, it is known that the spatial dynamics also auxiliaries the understanding and viewing of how the hydric resources and its associated elements behave in a widely way. This work sought to approach in what way the geotechnologies may contribute as an important tool to analyze the current situation of the hydric resources management, using the city of Americana (SP) as study territory.

Urban Management; Geotechnologies; Hydric Resources

Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - EDUFU Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 - Bloco 5M – Sala 302B, 38400902 - Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brasil, +55 (34) 3239- 4549 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil