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The control of space-time in the installation of hydroelectric plants

The process of Installing a Hydroelectric Plant (uhe) involves the appropriation of a space in which distinct territorialities and temporalities exist, especially between the consortia of public and private companies proposing construction of these works and the local populations. Based on the case of the Foz do Chapecó Plant in the south of Brazil, this article analyses this conflictual relation, seeking to comprehend the strategies for controlling space-time used by the construction forms to dominate the local populations and install the hydroelectric dam.

Space; Hydroelectric plants; Time

Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, 05508-010, São Paulo - SP, Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil