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Baianos and paulistas, are there two "schools"of racial relationships?

The studies made in Brazil between 1937 and 1956 are, most of the time, invocated to smooth down the opinion that there are regional differences into the Brazilian regional situation or even that different regional schools interpretate differently the same national situation. In this paper, I examine the rationality of these two situations. I argue that the theoretical, methodological and interpretative divergences of these studies were made based on critical evaluations of the works of Gilberto Freyre and Donald Pierson. Therefore, the most important thing is that such studies developed an interpretation of the racial Brazilian situation which is politically far from the North-American issue of cultural assimilation and integration of the Black into the Democracy. To the contrary, it is devoted to a national and developing ideal of redefinition of the Brazilian people. Due to this generation of scholars, it was stablished an agenda of research which took into consideration not only the claims of Black intelectuals, but also the claims of the nationalistis intelectuals, which are the aspiration for social equality and the desire for development. This agenda has congregated practically all the Brazilian sociologists and anthropologists in the 50 's and 60 's.

racial; relationships; regionalism; social thought

Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, 05508-010, São Paulo - SP, Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil