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EXPERIÊNCIAS DE MULHERES. DESTINOS DE GÊNERO* * Este texto é o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada entre março e julho de 1986 em São Paulo, juntamente com Robert Cabanes (ORSTOM) e Marie Agnés Chauvel. Foi apresentado na mesa-redonda internacional sobre “Rapports sociaux de sexe: problématiques, méthodologiques, champs d’analyse” organizado pelo Atelier Production-Reproduction (APRE)/IRESCO/CNRS em Paris, novembro de 1987. Agradeço a Fundação Ford e a Fapesp que apoiaram distintos momentos deste trabalho e aos diretores e funcionários desta empresa que se dispuseram a colaborar na pesquisa.

This text’s objective is to analyze the construction of women workers’ experiences in the São Paulo auto-parts industry by examining their life stories. The analysis of how working women think and view their life circumstances and their work is based upon their descriptions of work in the factory, of their life and professional trajectories: domestic and wage labor, family practices and their careers, work and family relations, migration and future plans. This text’s unifying thread is an examination of the formation of working women’s collective experience and of the images resulting from that experience. In conclusion, it seeks to establish a relationship between those experiences and the idea of destiny, as well as between the practices developed in daily life and the images women workers have of themselves, of their lives, and of women in general.

Working women: experiences and images; life histories

Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, 05508-010, São Paulo - SP, Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil