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La production d'articulations et de mouvements pour la santé des hommes au Brésil : la sexualité comme porte d'entrée

This investigation deals with the medicalization of male sexuality in Brazil, focusing on the creation of a new pharmacology of sex in the transition to the Twenty-First Century, directed to treatment of erectile dysfunction and andropause. The article points to an emphasis on the notion of sexual health based on individual improvement and medication, as well as the promotion of interest in male sexual performance, as the gateway to the treatment of men's health. The theoretical approach is based on anthropology and social studies of science. With respect to methodology, documentary research was conducted in historical archives and contemporary sources (such as material and press releases from the government), interviews and ethnography in medical conferences and public events.

medicalization; male sexuality; sexual health; erectile dysfunction

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) Caixa Postal 04491, 70904-970 Brasília - DF / Brasil, Tel./ Fax 55 61 3307-3754 - Brasília - DF - Brazil