Logomarca do periódico: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia

Open-access Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia

Publication of: Associação Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular
Area: Health Sciences ISSN printed version: 1516-8484
ISSN online version: 1806-0870
New title: Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy Previous title Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia

Our Mission

To promove the development of the areas of Hemathology and Hemotherapy, publishing original articles with origins in researches, revisions, debates, commentaries and other scientifical contributions related to these areas.


Our Mission

To promove the development of the areas of Hemathology and Hemotherapy, publishing original articles with origins in researches, revisions, debates, commentaries and other scientifical contributions related to these areas.


Associação Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular R. Dr. Diogo de Faria, 775 cj 114, 04037-002 São Paulo/SP/Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 2369-7767/2338-6764 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: secretaria@rbhh.org
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