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(Updated: 2024/07/01)



Brief Background


Ciência e Agrotecnologia is a scientific journal of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Brazil. Since its start in 1977, the journal has been dedicated to promote the agricultural sciences globally by disseminating researchers and scientists findings and knowledge from all regions around the world.



Open Science Compliance


Ciência e Agrotecnologia follows a series of open science practices. The journal publishes under the Open Access model and therefore, articles are free for anyone to read, download, copy, and disseminate for educational purposes. The journal also requires an indication of the role of each of the authors in articles with multiple authorship. The name of the editor is published in each article. Upon previous acceptance by the reviewer and author(s), the content of the reviewer's suggestions might be open for access. All articles are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and all authors must be registered with an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) number.



Ethics in Publication


The journal complies with the SciELO Guidelines Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication as well as the ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Manuscript that involves experimentation with living animals must provide evidence that it was performed under local ethical guidelines. This evidence must be officially stated in the Material and Methods section, describing that the study was evaluated and approved by an appropriate ethical committee.



Focus and Scope


Articles published in Ciência e Agrotecnologia cover research areas of Agricultural Science, Animal Science and Veterinary, Food Science and Technology, Agribusiness Economy and Administration, and Rural Engineering.

Submission of a manuscript to the journal requires that it has neither been published nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere, except in the case of articles deposited in preprint repositories. Concepts and affirmations included in articles are the entire responsibility of the author(s).

The journal is published online in a continuous flow mode. Original research articles and reviews (by invitation only) are the main publication formats.



Digital Preservation


The journal follows the Digital Preservation Policy of the SciELO Program.



Indexing Sources

  • AGRIS - International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology
  • AGROBASE - Base de Dados da Agricultura Brasileira
  • ASFA - Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
  • CAB Abstracts - Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau
  • Chemical Abstracts - Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  • CIRS - International Center for Scientific Research
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts
  • LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, Espanã y Portugal
  • SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • SCOPUS - Elsevier
  • Sumá - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras
  • Web of Science - Thomson Reuters


Bibliographic Journal Information

  • Title: Ciência e Agrotecnologia
  • Abbreviated title: Ciênc. Agrotec. 
  • Publisher: Editora UFLA 
  • eISSN: 1981-1829; ISSN: 1413-7054
  • Periodicity: Annual
  • Publication model: Continuous publication
  • Year of journal start: 1977


Websites and Social Media



Editorial Policy


Received manuscripts are forwarded to the editorial board to be initially evaluated in terms of comparative relevance to other manuscripts of the same research area that were submitted for publication. If considered as relevant, the manuscript is submitted for peer review. If considered as not relevant, the manuscript is rejected without further review.





Preprints (previously deposited at the SciELO Preprints repository) may also be published. If the preprint is accepted for publication, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to report the fact to the preprint repository.



Peer Review Process


If considered as relevant by the editorial board, the manuscript is submitted to blind peer reviewers. If approved and if necessary, the manuscript may return to the correspondent author for corrections. If the corrections are not returned within the required deadline, the publication process will be automatically canceled. Requested corrections not attended without justification may also lead to cancellation. To ensure the readability of the manuscript, a revision of the written English may be required and must be performed by any company indicated by the journal.



Open Data


Reproducibility of research can be improved by increasing transparency of the research process and products. In this context, research data may be made available by author(s) upon request.





The current article processing charge is based on the number of edited pages (final format). A non-refundable submission fee is charged. Upon the manuscript acceptance, the submission fee is discounted from the final cost of publication.

Submission fee: R$120.00 (One hundred and twenty reals) non-refundable. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, this submission fee is discounted from the final cost of publication.

Publication charge: R$60.00 (Sixty reals) per edited page up to six pages and R$120,00 (One hundred and twenty reals) per additional page.

Real (R$) is the present-day currency of Brazil.

Payments of the submission fee and publication charge may be made by Bank Deposit or Money Transfer to “FAEPE, bank: Banco do Brasil, Agency number 1615-2, Account number 25.126-7” or through PIX (CNPJ: 19.084.599/0007-02; FAEPE - Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão).

The receipt of the submission fee and publication charge, must be attached in the field "Payment".

Submission fee



Editora UFLA
Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)
Trevo Rotatório Professor Edmir Sá Santos, s/n. Campus Histórico da UFLA.
Caixa Postal 3037, CEP: 37.203-202 - Lavras/MG Brasil.
(55 35) 3829-1115



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


The journal complies with the SciELO Guidelines Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication as well as the ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).



Policy on Conflict of Interest


If, for any reason, a conflict of interest is observed, the author(s) must inform the journal in a specific statement. Conflict of interest may occur when authors, reviewers, or editors show interests that may affect the preparation and evaluation of the manuscript.



Adoption of similarity software


Ideas or writing from someone else has to be properly cited. The journal might use similarity software to detect article plagiarism. If detected, the submitted manuscript is automatically rejected without further review.



Gender and Sex Issues


The journal encourages gender equity in publication authorship. If needed, gender equity may also be taken into consideration for technical staff and associate editor selections.



Ethics Committee


The journal complies with the SciELO Guidelines Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication as well as the ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Manuscript that involves experimentation with living animals must provide evidence that it was performed under local ethical guidelines. This evidence must be officially stated in the Material and Methods section, describing that the study was evaluated and approved by an appropriate ethical committee.





The authors of an article hold the copyright of their work upon publication, while the journal holds the copyright as the first place of publication. Unless otherwise specified, all content in the journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, which allows unrestricted use as long as the original article is properly cited.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies

  • Eitora UFLA









Associate Editors



Technical Team







Manuscripts must be submitted online at

A cover letter, signed by all authors, must be sent to the Editor requesting the publication. It must contain the author's full name with no abbreviations, and work address (institution, city, state, and country). At submission, this letter must be attached in the field "Cover Letter". Any further insertion, exclusion or alteration in the authorship must be agreed by all authors (including the excluded author, if the case).

Manuscripts must be written in English using US orthographic and grammatical rules and edited using the program Microsoft Word for Windows on paper size A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), double spaced using Times New Roman font, size 12, with a 2.5 cm margin on both left- and right-hand side, and on upper and lower margins, heading and footnote. It must be organized in sections as follows:

a) Title sufficiently clear; conspicuous and complete, without abbreviations and superfluous words, written in English and Portuguese. It is recommended to begin with the term that represents the most important aspect, with other terms in decreasing of importance; unless there is no common name, scientific names of most common plants and animals must not be used. Do not initiate with the words “effect”, “evaluation“ or “influence”.

b) Author(s) full name(s) without abbreviations on the right side with one name beneath the former with their respective Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) number and work address (institution, department, city, state, and country).

c) Abstract must be written continuously in one paragraph and it must not exceed 250 words. It must contain a brief introduction, objectives and main results; statistical design maybe mentioned only if it is the essential result of the developed research.

d) Index terms with 3 to 5 keywords that express the content of the paper and different from those used in the title and separated by semicolon (;).

e) Resumo (abstract translated to Portuguese).

f) Termos para indexação (index terms translated to Portuguese).

g) Introduction including literature review and objectives.

h) Material and Methods must be combined and not separated.

i) Results and Discussion must be combined and not separated. Tables and figures must be inserted in the text after their first citation.

j) Conclusion(s) must be written continuously in one paragraph stating the main result of the research and it must not exceed 80 words.

k) Author Contribution describes the individual engagement of authors within the research in terms of Conceptual idea, Methodology design, Data collection, Data analysis and interpretation, and Writing and editing. Each of these topics must be followed by the names(s) of contribution author(s) [e.g. Conceptual idea: Arrow, B.; Bartow, J.D.; Methodology design: Arrow, B.; Brawn, J.P.; Data collection: Arrow, B., Data analysis and interpretation: Brawn, J.P.; Stanfield, R.J., and Writing and editing: Arrow, B.; Brawn, J.P.; Stanfield, R.J.].

l) Acknowledgment(s) (optional, however, highly recommended) with a serious and clear written style, indicating the reason(s) for the recognition(s).

m) References without citation of thesis, dissertation and/or abstracts.

Any submitted manuscript that does not follow this organization will be automatically canceled. 





Must contain a clear and concise title, being explanatory. Tables should not contain vertical lines. Horizontal lines must separate title from the presented data and at the bottom of the table. Tables should be made on Microsoft Word (Table - Insert Table), with each value inserted in a single cell, centrally located.



Figures, images, photos and graphs, symbols or formulas


Figures, images, photos and graphs may be in color or black and white, clear and with contrast, inserted in the text after their first citation and also in a separate file (Manuscript Files field), saved in extension "TIFF" or "JPEG" with minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Bigger images which occupy two columns must present 1200 pixels’ size in width. Figures must be described using Times New Roman font, size 10, without bold, without a text box and arranged in order.

Symbols or Chemical formulas must be presented on Microsoft Word for Windows using the software Math Type, maintaining the original layout.



Citation in the text


Citations follow the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. All citations and their correct information in the text are the responsibility of the author(s).

Most common reference examples:

One author: Portela (2024) or (Portela, 2024)

Two authors: Davis and Jones (2023) or (Davis & Jones, 2023).

Three authors: Silva, Pazeto & Vieira (2019) or (Silva, Pazeto & Vieira, 2019).

More than three authors: Ribeiro et al. (2022) or (Ribeiro et al., 2022).

Other citation in the same text, must present the authors in an alphabetic order of their last names, followed by date and separated by semicolon (;): Araújo (2020); Nunes Junior (2021); Pereira (2023) and Souza (2024).





References follow the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. All references and their correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the author(s). 

Most common reference examples:

Journal articles

One author:
Lopes, M. A. (2023). Rethinking plant breeding and seed systems in the era of exponential changes. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 47:e0001R23.

Up to three authors:
Pinheiro, A. C. M., Nunes, C. A., & Vietoris, V. (2013). Sensomaker: A tool for sensorial characterization of food products. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37(3):199-201.

More than three authors:
Menezes, M. D. et al. (2013). Digital soil mapping approach based on fuzzy logic and field expert knowledge. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37(4):287-298.

Manuscript with elocation-id:
Braga Junior, R. A. et al. (2020). Magnetic field in coffee seed germination. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 44:e003920.


Complete book:
Orton, T. (2019). Horticultural plant breeding. Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States: Academic Press, 410p.

Book chapter:
Bergen, W.G.; Merkel, R.A. (1991). Protein accretion. In Pearson, A.M.; Dutson, T.R. Growth regulation in farm animals: Advances in meat research. London, England: Academic Press, v.7, p.169-202.

Thesis and dissertation:
Must not be cited.

Abstracts published in congresses, symposia, workshops, or other scientific events:
Must not be cited.

Electronic documents:
Studies only published online without volume, issue, elocation-id, page number, and year are referenced with the addition of the electronic address information presented in (<>) preceded by the expression "Available in:". Do not reference electronic material of short duration on the web. According to international standards, the division of electronic address at the end of the line should be always after the slash (/).




Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras Editora da UFLA, Caixa Postal 3037 - 37200-900 - Lavras - MG - Brasil, Telefone: 35 3829-1115 - Lavras - MG - Brazil