Basic information
Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials is an international journal on experimental, theoretical and simulation research on the processing, structure and properties of materials. Due to high demand of articles received for publication, from 2012, the frequency of the journal Materials Research was changed from 4 to 6 issues per year. Its abbreviated title is Mat. Res., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
Open Access Policy
This journal is under the Open Access model and is therefore free for anybody to read, download, copy and disseminate according to its Creative Commons license. |
Intellectual property
All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. The Materials Research adopted until Jun/2015 the Creative Commons license attribution-type BY-NC. Actually, the license is the attribution-type BY. |
The publication of the journal receives support from:
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Associated editors
Editorial Commission
Editorial Assistant
Editorial production
SciELO Brasil E-mail: Telefone: (11) 5083-3639 - ramal 112. |
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Updated: 01/06/2016
Scope and Policy
Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials is devoted to the publication of original papers on experimental, theoretical and simulation research on the processing, structure and properties of materials. Original contributions (Articles and Letters) are solicited. Review papers require an invitation from the Editors. Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials adopts iThenticate system for plagiarism identification. The submission of a paper implies that it has not been previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written permission of the Editors. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials if and when the article is accepted for publication. Accepted articles and illustrations become the property of Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials.
Preprints Following SciELO's Open Science Policy, Materials Research also incentives the sharing of your manuscript publicly as a preprint, which can be done prior, or simultaneously to your submission. Please note that sharing your preprints on a preprint server (such as in SciELO,, will not count as prior publication. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Language and style: All submissions should be in English, double spaced and typed on an A4 (209 x 296 mm) paper, with Times New Roman font-size 12, and with ample (~2.5 cm) top, bottom and left-hand margins. In general, the typescript for articles should follow the conventional form: title, authors' names and complete affiliations, abstract, introduction, literature review, experimental, simulation or calculation procedures, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure captions, and figures. Letters are restricted to reports of unusual urgency, significance or interest, and should be limited to 1000 words or the equivalent. A statement from the authors as to why the manuscript meets these criteria will be helpful to the Editor. Letters will not be accepted if, in the opinion of the Editor, the principal content has previously been released or publicized in any other published medium. In estimating the length of a Note, an average sized figure is counted as 100 words and separate formulae and lines of a table are counted as 8 words per line, including headings and horizontal rulings. The title, authors' names, and literature references are not counted. Title: This should be brief and convey the contents of the paper. Abstract: An Abstract in English must be included. It should be short, not more than 150 words for an Article and 50 words for Letters, and should contain numerical and factual data only. Keywords: The authors should indicate a minimum of three keywords. Illustrations: All necessary illustrations should be submitted with at least 300 dots per inch (600 dpi recommended). Graphs and diagrams should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. The submitted illustrations will be reduced and directly reproduced in the published paper, so authors should take particular care to ensure that all lettering of an illustration (particularly the smallest ones) are clearly legible. Figures should be sent in .jpg/jpeg, .tif, .png, etc file format. Images in .doc or .pdf files are compressed and this makes them lose resolution, which is why it is so important that they are sent in separate files. Complex or multi-panel figures (namely with (a) and (b)) should be sent in one file instead of separated (example). Tables: Each table should be typed or printed on a separate sheet, and should have a caption in addition to its sequence number. Photographs: Photographs should be submitted with at least 300 dots per inch (600 dpi recommended), high contrast and positive. When necessary, the scale should be drawn on the photograph itself, and not below. Color photographs may be published at additional cost. Captions for figures: These should give sufficient information to make the illustration comprehensible. Bibliography: The references should be in accordance with the standard Vancouver (see examples below). Reference numbers in the text should be typed as superscripts without parentheses. The literature cited should be printed on a separate page (double-spaced), and should be listed in the order in which it appears in the text. Articles:
Book chapter:
Peer Review: The articles will be evaluated by at least two reviewers, Brazilian or foreign researchers, of proven scientific reputation, invited by the editors according to their field of knowledge. After corrections and reassessment, articles will be accepted if they have two favourable opinions, and are rejected when they receive two unfavourable opinions. In specific cases, the editor may decide to accept or reject an article based on only one opinion if it is well founded. Function of Referees: The Editor seeks the advice of experts in the research areas of the submitted manuscripts. Referees should estimate the originality, soundness and scientific value of the work, together with some basis for their opinion. They should also indicate whether the writing is clear and concise. Improperly used space merely restricts the amount of useful material which can be published. The Editor, who accepts full responsibility for decisions about manuscripts, may not always follow the recommendations from the referees. Papers which are not accepted by the Editor will be returned to the authors, and there will be no communication about them with the editors of other journals. General Considerations: Authors should present their materials with the utmost conciseness and clarity. Extensive reviews of the literature cannot be accepted, however, the state-of-art on the specific subject covered by the article must be clearly stated. Well-known procedures should either be designated by name or literature references. Notes acknowledging technical assistance for the research or indicating presentation at a meeting should be brief. The name of the author to whom inquiries about the paper may be addressed should be marked with an asterisk. The authors' official titles should not be included. The submitting author must provide an ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, at the time of submission by entering it in the user profile in the submission system. We strongly encourage coauthors to do the same. Introductions should contain only enough background material to show why the work was done and why it is worth publishing. This information should also be addressed in the cover letter sent to the editor. Experimental results are of lasting value and should be clearly and logically presented in a separate section. Results and discussions should be sequential. The addition of a final section at the end of the paper, which briefly summarizes the main conclusions of the work, is recommended. General Instructions: Contributions will only be considered for publication when submitted in our online submission website located at File types accepted for submission: .doc and .docx to manuscripts and .jpg/jpeg, .tiff and .png to images. The first page should contain the title and authors' names and addresses, the title, the abstract and the keywords. The text should start on the second page. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered consecutively, including references and notes, tables, figure captions and figures, which should be presented in this sequence. The submission should also include the original graphs, drawings of apparatus, and structural formulae. The authors should indicate in the text itself or in marginal notes in the typescript where the tables and figures are to be inserted. The attention of contributors is particularly directed to the requirement that all nomenclature should be consistent, clear, unambiguous, and conform to the rules of nomenclature established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the International Union of Biochemistry, the Abstracts Service (see Index Guide to Chemical Abstracts, 1987), the Nomenclature Committee of the American Chemical Society, or other appropriate bodies. Galley Proofs and Reprints: Galley proofs are provided for the correction of printing errors. The correction of proofs should not be used for improvement in the language or substance of the paper. The cost of changes considered to be excessive will be charged to the author(s). If changes in the conclusions are necessary due to work done or published since the manuscript was prepared, it is preferable that a brief Note Added in Proof be prepared. Corrected galley proofs should be returned promptly, preferably within 48 hours by e-mail or as instructed by the desktop publishing company. Since page charges have been eliminated, authors are not entitled to free reprints. A reprint order form is sent to the corresponding author if requested to. Desktop Publication: Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials is published by a desktop publishing process. Authors are requested to prepare their papers using word processors. After being accepted for publication, the final corrected version should be sent by e-mail or as instructed by the editorial board. |
Send of the manuscripts
Contributions will only be considered for publication when submitted in our online submission website located at The Editorial Board of Materials Research has decided to apply an article processing charge (APC) to all accepted articles. Authors are requested to confirm the acceptance of the APC before submission. The value fixed per article independent of its length is R$800,00 (in Brazilian reais) or USD 230.00 (two hundred and thirty american dollars) and should be paid after final acceptance of the article. |
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