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(Updated: 2024/06/28)



Brief Background


Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Rev. Bras. Frutic., ISSN 0100-2945) is a scientific journal that has been edited by Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura (SBF) since 1978. Starting from 2023, the journal has adopted a continuous publication model. It aims at publishing Scientific Articles, Scientific Communications, and Literature Reviews (the latter by invitation only) reporting original and unpublished research findings in the field of fruit growing.



Publishing Ethics


Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura commits to the principles of open access for articles by adopting the Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY 4.0) license. This approach maximizes the dissemination of articles and aligns with the policies of leading open access journals and publishers worldwide. Further information is available at

In alignment with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, which are designed to promote the detection of plagiarism, misconduct, fraud, and potential ethical breaches, the journal advises authors to:

a) Consult the COPE website for resources on research ethics for authors and editors;

b) Ensure compliance with the following criteria prior to submission:

  • Articles must properly reference any data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation derived from other works; 
  • When articles include a critical review of another author's intellectual content, appropriate citations are required; 
  • All contributors should meet the criteria for unprecedented authorship of the manuscript, and none of the researchers involved in the research should be omitted from the authors’ list;
  • The final decision on the approval of the article is to be made by the editors and the editorial board.

Initially, only submissions that fully adhere to the journal's standards will be progressed to the review stage; otherwise, they will be returned to the authors for reformulation. Compliant submissions are assigned to an area editor who oversees the double-blind peer review process, involving at least two ad hoc reviewers with expertise in the relevant field of study from both domestic and international academic and/or research institutions with a demonstrated record of scientific production.

After the necessary corrections and possible suggestions, the article will be accepted if it has two favorable opinions and rejected when two opinions are unfavorable.

It is important to note that, regardless of the decisions of ad hoc reviewers, the Editorial Committee, at any stage of analysis, is responsible for the final decision on approval of the article and the right to suggest or request modifications to the text, deemed necessary.

Upon acceptance, authors grant the journal an exclusive license to publish the article in electronic format, including the use of accompanying images for promotional purposes on social media.



Focus and Scope


Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura's focus and scope is to publish scientific and technical articles and scientific communications reporting original, previously unpublished research findings in the field of fruit growing.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Record


Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura
ISSN (Print version): 0100-2945; ISSN (Online version): 1806-9967
Abbreviated title: Rev. Bras. Frutic. or RBF
Publication Frequency: Annual
Publication Model: Continuous Publication
Year of Inception: 1978 (SciELO – 2000)



Websites and Social Media
Social media: @sbfruticultura
SciELO online publishing system:








Manuscripts that have been uploaded to the SciELO Preprints server may be submitted to Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. The Editorial Committee of the journal will decide on the peer review process for manuscripts already published as preprints. Upon acceptance and publication in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, the corresponding preprint must be updated to include a link to the final version published in the journal.

Submissions must not have been sent to any other journal. Reviewers will only evaluate submissions that meet the journal's standards and are accompanied by a “Statement of Submission” signed by all authors stating: "The authors declare that this manuscript has not been published previously and is not under consideration by another journal, and they consent to the first publication rights being transferred to RBF."



Peer review process


- Upon submission via the ScholarOne platform, the Editor-in-Chief assigns an Area Editor to the manuscript;

- The Area Editor is responsible for selecting reviewers who are tasked with evaluating the paper within 30 days. This review is conducted under a double-blind process;

- Following the review, the manuscript is returned to the platform where the Area Editor makes the final decision regarding publication.



Open data


RBF does not work with open data.





Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura establishes the following fee schedule:

a) Submission fee: Exempt

b) Publication fee: Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the following publication fees apply:

For SBF members (with the first or second author being a member): R$100.00 per page as formatted for publication. Join SBF:

For non-SBF members: R$200.00 per publication-formatted page. Fees are payable upon receipt of the article acceptance notification.

Example: An article that comprises 12 Word pages, when formatted for publication, may result in approximately 8 pages. Thus, the publication fee would amount to R$800.00 for an SBF member author, but R$1,600.00 for a non-member author.

c) Additional Charges: Authors may incur extra charges for corrections not addressed in the proofreading stage, such as fees for the issuance of article errata.

Payment Instructions: Fees must be settled via deposit or bank transfer to the following account: Banco do Brasil, Branch No. 0403-0, Current Account No. 45476-1, Beneficiary: Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura (CNPJ 51.871396/0001-68). For PIX payments, use the key:

For authors in need of an invoice, please note that it will be generated based on the details provided in the bank payment receipt. To request an invoice, kindly forward an email to the RBF Journal Office at with the following information:

Name/Entity name:
ID number:
Mailing address:
Service description:
Amount referring to the submission/publication fee paid to Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura – RBF, for the scientific article below:
Article ID:
Article title:
List of authors:
Payment amount (in Brazilian Real, R$):
Proof of payment (Bank receipt or commitment note):

Additional guidelines

a) The allotted timeframe for submitting revisions to the initial and subsequent versions of the manuscript is ten and five calendar days, respectively, starting from the date the correction request email is received. Failure to adhere to these timelines will automatically lead to the withdrawal of the manuscript from consideration.

b) The topics, data, and concepts expressed in the articles published in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. References to any products or trademarks do not constitute an endorsement by the Journal. Reproduction of public articles is permissible, provided the original source is cited.



Ethics, Misconduct, Errata, and Retraction Policy


In instances of misconduct in the publication of articles in RBF, the editorial committee will notify the implicated authors, assemble an investigative committee, and initiate a formal inquiry. Should bad faith be confirmed, the article will be removed from the journal's publication platform.

Good Practices Guideline

Errata Submission Guidelines

Retraction Submission Guidelines



Adoption of Similarity-Checking Software


RBF uses software to check similarity in publications, using the iThenticate 2.0 system.



Conflict of Interest Policy


Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively via the SciELO online publishing system:

At the time of submission, authors must provide a Conflict of Interest declaration stating the absence of personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts that could potentially bias their work. Conflicts of interest can arise when authors, reviewers, or editors possess interests that could improperly influence the manuscript's preparation or evaluation. Authors are obligated to disclose all forms of financial support and any relevant personal affiliations connected to their research. Reviewers are required to inform the editors of any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the analysis of the manuscript, abstaining from the review process if necessary.



Sex and Gender Considerations


The editorial team of RBF, along with its contributors, must always adhere to the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. These guidelines offer a framework for integrating sex and gender information into research design, data analysis, as well as the interpretation and reporting of results. In line with promoting gender equity, RBF also ensures balanced representation within its editorial board.





Authors of articles published in RBF retain copyright over their work. These articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY license, which allows unrestricted reuse and distribution, provided the original work is properly cited. By submitting their work to Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, authors grant the journal the right of first publication.



Propiedad intelectual y términos de uso


Responsabilidad de la Revista:

Todo el contenido de la revista y los artículos publicados por la revista, salvo que se indique lo contrario, están bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution License.

Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura commits to the principles of open access for articles by adopting the Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY 4.0) license. This approach maximizes the dissemination of articles and aligns with the policies of leading open access journals and publishers worldwide. Further information is available at

Responsibility of the Authors:

The accuracy of the content, data, and concepts published in RBF lies solely with the authors. References to any products or trademarks do not imply endorsement by the Journal. Authors are permitted to reproduce their published articles, provided the original source is cited.

Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura encourages authors to engage in self-archiving of their accepted manuscripts. Authors are welcome to share their work on personal blogs, institutional repositories, academic social networks, and personal social media platforms, ensuring that the published version in the journal is fully cited.



Sponsors and Development Agencies


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

 FAPERJ - Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

 Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)

SBF – Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura

CAPES – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior

UNESP/ FCAV – Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias – Campus Jaboticabal-SP

 UENF - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro









Deputy Editor



Scientific Editors



Editorial Board



Associate Editors



Technical Team


Electronic Publishing, Cover, and Final Art

  • Editorial Producer: Pedro Eni Lourenço Rodrigues
  • Cover and Final Art: Flavia Martucci Vidureto

Technical Team and Administrative Office

  • Executive Secretary: Mírian Alves
  • Portuguese Language Revision: Vitório Barato Neto
  • Standardization of References: Núbia Josefina Lopes Brichi and Marli Saes - Unesp, Jaboticabal Campus - SP
  • Standardization of Papers, ScholarONe ManuscriptsTM: Mírian Alves
  • Scielo Publishing Schema/XML: Mírian Alves






Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Rev. Bras. Frutic., ISSN 0100-2945) is a scientific journal that has been published by the Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura (SBF) since 1978. Starting from 2023, the journal has adopted a continuous publication model. It aims at publishing Scientific Articles, Scientific Communications, and Literature Reviews (the latter by invitation only) reporting original and unpublished research findings in the field of fruit growing.

Manuscripts that have been uploaded to the SciELO Preprints server may be submitted to Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. The Editorial Committee of the journal will decide on the peer review process for manuscripts already published as preprints. Upon acceptance and publication in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, the corresponding preprint must be updated to include a link to the published version in the journal.

Submissions must not have been sent to any other journal. Reviewers will only evaluate submissions that meet the journal's standards and are accompanied by a “Statement of Submission” signed by all authors stating: "The authors declare that this manuscript has not been published previously and is not under consideration by another journal, and they agree to the submission."

Papers presenting research that directly or indirectly involves human beings or animals, in their entirety or parts of them, including the handling of information or materials, in all areas of knowledge, must include a statement that the study was approved by the ethics committee on human beings and/or animal experimentation, citing the name of the Committee, Institution, and approval number, in the Material and Methods section. Articles reporting experimental research will only be accepted for publication if they meet at least one of the following criteria: a) experiment with at least 20 plots; b) experimental design with the number of residual degrees of freedom equal to or greater than 10; at least three replications of the treatment(s). Scientific articles with research results obtained more than eight years before the time of submission will not be accepted for publication. Authors must inform the period and place (including geographic coordinates and altitude; in the Material and Methods section only) in which the study was conducted; and in the case of research involving an experiment, the experimental design, treatments, and number of replications, in the Abstract, Resumo (abstract in Portuguese), and Material and Methods sections. Articles subdivided into parts I and II must be submitted together, as they will be sent to the same reviewers.

In alignment with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, which are designed to promote the detection of plagiarism, misconduct, fraud, and potential ethical breaches, the journal advises authors to:

a) Consult the COPE website for resources on research ethics for authors and editors;

b) Ensure compliance with the following criteria prior to submission:

  • Articles must properly reference any data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation derived from other works;
  • When articles include a critical review of another author's intellectual content, appropriate citations are required;
  • All contributors should meet the criteria for unprecedented authorship of the manuscript, and none of the researchers involved in the research should be omitted from the authors’ list;
  • The final decision on the approval of the article is to be made by the editors and the editorial board.

Initially, only submissions that fully adhere to the journal's standards will be progressed to the review stage; otherwise, they will be returned to the authors for reformulation. Compliant submissions are assigned to an area editor who oversees the double-blind peer review process, involving at least two ad hoc reviewers with expertise in the relevant field of study from both domestic and international academic and/or research institutions with a demonstrated record of scientific production.

After the necessary corrections and possible suggestions, the article will be accepted if it has two favorable opinions and rejected when two opinions are unfavorable.

It is important to note that, regardless of the decisions of ad hoc reviewers, the Editorial Committee, at any stage of analysis, is responsible for the final decision on approval of the article and the right to suggest or request modifications to the text, deemed necessary.

Upon acceptance, authors grant the journal an exclusive license to publish the article in electronic format, including the use of accompanying images for promotional purposes on social media.



Types of documents accepted


Scientific articles submitted to Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura must be original, unpublished, and submitted in English. For articles accepted for publication, the authors will be asked to provide an English version proofread by one of the companies accredited by the Journal. Although only articles written in English will be accepted for submission, the manuscript must also include a Title, Abstract, and Index Terms in Portuguese, which must come after the Title, Abstract, and Index Terms in English. Texts present in other items, including figures, must also be in English, and decimal places are represented by a point, rather than a comma.

Names of Brazilian institutions such as departments, universities, and institutes must be in English. Articles must report studies in the following fields: Biotechnology/Genetics and Breeding, Botany and Physiology, Harvest and Post-Harvest, Sanitary Defense, Economics/Statistics, Plant Science, Irrigation, Processing (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Propagation, Seeds, Soils, and Plant Nutrition. Regardless of the type of submission, a maximum number of eight authors is permitted per manuscript.



Article Submission Format


a) The article must be edited in Microsoft Office Word 2016 or a newer version.

b) Text: 12-point Times New Roman font. Do not use bold and/or italics in the text, except for the title, sections, and sub-sections, which should be in bold, and scientific names of plant and animal species, which should be italicized. Do not use bold and/or italics for words in equations, tables, or figures. Equations must be written using the MSEquation application.

c) Line spacing: 1.5 throughout the manuscript text.

d) Paragraph: 0.5 cm.

e) Page: A4 paper, portrait orientation, all margins set at 2.0 cm, and line numbered continuously, that is, continued from one page to the next.

f) All section headings should be typed in uppercase letters, bold, and centered, except for the Abstract and Resumo (abstract in Portuguese), which should be aligned to the left; and the Index Terms and Termos para Indexação (index terms in Portuguese), which should be aligned to the left with only the first letter capitalized. Sub-sections should be aligned to the left, in bold, with only the first letter capitalized.

g) Measurement units must be expressed in the SI (International System), and the scientific terminology must follow international conventions.

h) Tables and Figures (plots, graphs, maps, images, photographs, drawings):

  • Tables and figures must be self-explanatory and have a width of 10 or 20.6 cm, with the text typed using 10-point Times New Roman font, single paragraph/spacing, and be placed immediately below the paragraph in which they are cited for the first time.
  • Citations of tables and figures in the text: Figure 1; Table 1. Figures with similar titles should be grouped into a single figure, but using a differentiating indicator. The indicator letter of each subfigure in a grouped figure must be capitalized and followed by a dot (example: A.), positioned on the upper left side of the figure. Grouped figures must be cited in the text as follows: Figure 1A; Figure 1B; Figures 1A and B.
  • Tables should not contain vertical lines, and numerical values in the columns should be aligned by the last number.
  • Figures should not have borders, and curves (in the case of graphs) can be colored, but always using different caption markers.
  • To avoid redundancy, data presented in figures should not be repeated in tables, and vice-versa. When using bitmap files, the minimum resolution should be 300 bpi.

Title in English: a maximum of 15 words; capitalize only the first letter of the first word. The title must reflect the content of your work and must not contain the terms effect, evaluation, influence, or study.

a) Name(s) of author(s) and respective affiliation(s):

  • Upon submission, the manuscript’s file must contain the name(s) of the author(s) as well as their affiliation immediately below the author(s)’ names, including the name of the institution, unit (department or section), municipality, country, and ORCID number.


Sérgio Luiz Rodrigues Donato1*, Alessandro de Magalhães Arantes1, Alex Rodrigues Silva Soares1, Marcelo Rocha dos Santos1, Maria Geralda Vilela Rodrigues2

1Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia, Guanambi Campus, Agriculture Sector, Guanambi-BA, Brazil, Orcid: 0000-0002-7719-4662

2Agricultural Research Corporation of Minas Gerais - Epamig Norte, Nova Porteirinha-MG, Brazil, Orcid: 0000-0002-7520-9891

*Corresponding author:

  • The corresponding author must already be registered as an author in the SciELO online publishing system before starting the submission process. The corresponding author must define their position in the authorship of the article in relation to the other authors.
  • A maximum number of eight (8) authors is permitted.
  • Once the article is submitted, subsequent changes to the name of the authors will not be permitted, whether in sequence, replacement, or addition.

b) Abstract: a maximum of 250 words and no abbreviations.

c) Index terms: at least three and at most five, not included in the Title, separated by a comma and in lowercase letters (all).

d) Title in Portuguese: the same rules for the title in English apply.

e) Resumo (Abstract in Portuguese): maximum of 250 words; a faithful translation of the Abstract to Portuguese.

f) Termos para indexação (Index Terms in Portuguese): a faithful translation of the Index Terms to Portuguese.

g) Introduction: state the relevance of the research with the help of the literature, within a maximum of one page. The last paragraph should describe the objective of the study.

h) Material and Methods: must contain essential information that allows the repetition of the experiment by other researchers.

i) Results and Discussion: the results of the work must be presented and discussed in the light of the literature, using tables and/or figures.

j) Conclusions: stated in brief terms, without additional comments, and based only on the results presented. Do not use abbreviations.

k) Acknowledgments (optional).

l) Author Contributions: the contributions of each author must be mentioned using the relevant CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). The corresponding author will be responsible for providing this information. All authors are expected to agree on their contributions. Any other contribution that does not meet the relevant functions of CRediT must be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.



Digital assets


Figures that include graphs should be created using Microsoft Office Excel 2016 or a newer version. Images generated by programs other than those in the Microsoft Office package must be a minimum resolution of 300 dpi; be submitted as JPG, TIFF, or GIF files; and have a width of 10 or 20.6 cm. The title or footnote must be typed in MS Word.

  • For figures or tables that present results of regression analysis, inform the coefficient of determination (R2) for each equation, followed by the coefficient of variation (CV). There should be no figures with curves with an R2 less than 0.60; in these cases, include the equation and the respective R2 value in the discussion of results. Add the symbols representing the significance of the coefficients (*, **, or ns) in each regression equation presented in a table or figure, placing them as superscripts between the coefficient values and the variable. Add a footnote using 9-point Times New Roman font in the figure or table informing the probability of significance of the coefficients of the equation and the statistical test adopted, e.g.: **-Significant at p≤0.01 by the F test. Each experimental point plotted in the figure must contain the standard error or standard deviation represented by a vertical bar, the representation of standard error or standard deviation, as well as a footnote in 9-point Times New Roman font informing whether it is the standard error or standard deviation. An exception to this are plots containing lines of linear or polynomial regression (which must be accompanied by the equations and respective R2 values), or plots containing letters of mean-comparison tests.


Citations and References



RBF adopts ABNT standards

RBF recommends that eighty percent (80%) of the bibliographical references be from journals listed in the ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, or SciELO databases, with at least 40% having been conducted in the last five years.

  • Secondary/indirect citations (apud) will not be accepted.
  • Citations of articles accepted for publication, folders, handouts, technical reports, works at congresses, undergraduate conclusion papers, dissertations, and theses will not be accepted.
  • In a given context, the citation of more than one bibliographical reference must first comply with the chronological order and then the alphabetical order of the authors. When citing more than one bibliographic reference by the same authors, their name should not be repeated; however, years of publication must be separated by a comma.
  • The article should have a maximum of 30 bibliographical references. For the Literature Review modality, there is no maximum limit of bibliographical references.

The article must not exceed 25 pages, including tables, figures, and References.

Sequential composition of Scientific Communication and Literature Review

a) Scientific Communications should have a simpler structure, with a maximum of 10 pages and the full text without separate sections (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, or Conclusions), except for References.

b) Contributions in the form of Literature Review must adopt the following sequence: Title in English, full name(s) of the author(s) and respective affiliation(s), Abstract and Index terms, followed then by Title, Abstract, and Index terms in Portuguese, Introduction, Items about topics addressed in the review, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional), and References.

Examples of in-text citations

a) Citations with only one author: Viana (2023) or (VIANA, 2023).

b) Citations with two authors: Taiz and Zeiger (2020) or (TAIZ; ZEIGER, 2020).

c) Citations with more than two authors: Silva et al. (2022) or (SILVA et al., 2022).

d) When the author of the study is an institution/company, the citation should be formed by its initials, in uppercase letters: EMBRAPA (2020) or (EMBRAPA, 2020).

e) Citations with one or two authors with the same name, from the same year: Viana (2020a); Viana (2020b); Taiz and Zeiger (2020a); Taiz and Zeiger (2020b).

f) Citations with more than two authors, whose first authors have the same name, from the same year: Silva et al. (2020a); Xu et al., 2020b); (Xu et al. (2020a,b).

References cited in the text should be presented in alphabetical order starting with the last name of the first author; in ascending chronological order; and contain the names of all authors. Add the link to your DOI for access at the end of each reference listed. References must be presented in the following formats:

a) Books

FIGUEIREDO NETO, A.; ALMEIDA, F. A. C.; CAVALCANTE, Í. H. L. Manga: maturação, colheita e conservação. 1.ed. Juazeiro: UNIVASF, 2017. 174 p.

KELLER, M. The Science of Grapevines. 3th ed. London: Elsevier Academic Press, 2020. 1647 p.

MAPA - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - Manual de métodos analíticos oficiais para fertilizantes e corretivos. 1.ed. Brasília, 2017. 240p.

b) Book chapters

DONATO, S. L. R.; COELHO, E. F.; MARQUES, P. R. R.; ARANTES, A. de M. Considerações ecológicas, fisiológicas e de manejo. In: FERREIRA, C. F.; SILVA, S. de O. e; AMORIM, E. P.; SANTOS-SEREJO, J. A. dos. O agronegócio da banana. Brasília, DF: EMBRAPA, 2016, p. 45-110.

PRADO, R. M.; SOUZA JUNIOR, J. P.; SILVA JUNIOR, G. B.; CAVALCANTE, Í. H. L. Guava: the relationship between the productive aspects, the quality of the fruits and its health benefits. In: MURPHY, A. (Org.). Guava: cultivation, antioxidant properties and health benefits. 1ed.Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2017, v.1, p. 1-16.

c) Journals

CAVALCANTI FILHO, P. F. M.; BAÍA, D. C.; RIBEIRO, R. C.; ROSA, R. C. C.; CANELLAS, L. P. Humic acids induce the expression of nitrate transporters in passion-fruit seedlings. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, v. 45, e-941, 2023.

JIAHAO, J. I.; XIAOLONG, H. E.; HUAITE, L. I. U.; ZHONGYONG, L. I.; SHASHA, Z.; XUEYING, Z.; JIZHONG, XU.; BOWEN, L. Influence of dwarfing interstock on the tolerance and nutrient utilization efficiency of apple trees under drought stress. Scientia Horticulturae, v. 315,111984, 2023.

d) Software references

R Core Team. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2017. Available at: <>. Access in: April 2022.

SAS - Stastistical Analysis System. User’s guide statistics. 9.ed. Cary:SASInstitute, 2002.943p.

e) Other reference formats

INMET - Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia. Informações sobre as condições climáticas em Jaboticabal-SP. 2021. Available at: <>. Access in: Jun. 2022.

IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Produção agrícola municipal. 2021. Available at: <>. Access in: Jan. 2022.

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization - FAOSTAT (2021). Crops. Grapes. Available at: <>. Access in: Nov. 2022.

Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the titles of listed references, except in the case of proper names. In titles of events, capitalize only the first letter of each word.

References with one or two authors with the same name, from the same year, and references with more than two authors, whose first authors have the same name, from the same year, must be identified in the list of cited literature after the year, by the letters a, b, c, and so forth.

Additional information on article formatting

a) Capitalize all letters of an acronym; capitalize only the first letter of each word of names of institutions written in full.

b) As for units, add a space between the number and the respective unit, except for percentages. Examples: 50%; 50 mL; 40 °C; 100 kg ha-1; 7.8 kJ mol-1; 5 million hectares; 16:00 h; 50 s; 10 min; 11 hours; two hours (0 to 9 - write in full, except for numbers followed by a unit or followed by a number greater than 9); 2, 3 and 14 hours; 2 mm per day; 0.0015 g g-1 per day; 2 x 3 (must be separated).

c) Preferably use a maximum of two decimal places in numerical values in the text, tables, and figures.



Contact us


Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura
Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n
Zipcode: 14884-900, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil
Phone: (+55 16) 3209-7188 / 3209-7609




Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n , 14884-900 Jaboticabal SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3209-7188/3209-7609 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil